Audra Lockman, personal training at the Kennett Area YMCA in Kennett Square, Pa.

Audra Lockman

Kennett Area YMCA
Audra Lockman is an Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) certified personal trainer at the Kennett Area YMCA, who is passionate about fitness.

She specializes in one on one training centered around strengthening muscle as a means to achieve her clients’ short and long-term goals. “Building strong muscles unlocks the door to so many things; strength, energy, weight loss, prevention and more,” Audra says. 
Audra knows firsthand the benefits of personal training. For years, she experienced debilitating backpain which limited her mobility – until she sought the benefits of personal training. This experience inspired Audra to become a certified personal trainer to share her knowledge and passion with others.  
When she’s not helping clients meet their goals, Audra enjoys playing Pickleball at the Y and spending time with her husband and their dog.

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