Family Lifts Barbell in BODYPUMP Class Family Lifts Barbell in BODYPUMP Class

A Health Seekers Journey  

Our President & CEO, Bertram L. Lawson II, recently kicked off a health seeker's journey to recommit to healthy habits. Despite his busy schedule, Bertram has been working out at East Chestnut Fitness in the Oscar Lasko YMCA and has learned much about the full spectrum of health and wellness.

Whether you have already committed to your own wellness journey or have been thinking about starting a new wellness routine, we want you to know that you are not alone. We are proud to serve nearly 80,000 members with programs and services dedicated to all aspects of wellness. 

Begin your Journey - Join Today

Join us on a health seeker's journey and share your own story on social using #HealthSeekersJourney #StartyourJourney #YGBWStrong.


🏋🏿 Establishing a Fitness Routine | Episode 1

"Starting my journey was hard. Despite having access to fitness equipment, wellness experts and my own personal knowledge, I still have barriers to success. My schedule is jam-packed with meetings. I am a husband and a father with many commitments at home. I love food - and I don't like to cook. I have plenty of reasons to put this off." -Bertram L. Lawson II

You are not alone on your journey. Join Bertram as he visits East Chestnut Fitness to recommit to his own wellness journey.


💗 Health Screenings | Episode 2

Heart health is important for all people, which why it is a good idea to have your blood pressure checked annually. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, often has no symptoms. Yet if left untreated, it can lead to heart disease or stroke. Join Bertram and our partners from Keystone First to learn more about taking care of your heart.

🥦 Nutrition | Episode 3

Eating well is an important part of your health and wellness journey. But there can be many barriers to preparing and eating healthy and nutritious meals. Dr. Sandy Sarcona and her students from West Chester University's School of Health Sciences offered their insights about cooking healthy and nutritious meals.


👪🏾 Family Fitness | Episode 4

Focusing on a wellness journey can be especially challenging when you have responsibilities as a parent. How do you juggle your wellness journey and spend quality time with family? Combine the two in a family-friendly fitness class!

At YGBW we offer a variety of classes that are family-friendly, meaning that children ages 8+ can attend with a grown up. Bertram and his family recently took a BODYPUMP class together.

🧠 Mental Health | Episode 5

We hear a lot about mental health these days. But do we really understand what mental health is - and how it impacts our overall health? As part of his ongoing health seeker's journey, Bertram had an open dialogue with Executive Mindfulness Coach, Heather Bloodworth. No matter where you are on your own journey, your friends at the Y are here for you.


💬 Men's Health | Episode 6

In honor of Men's Health Month, Bertram sat down with members of the YGBW Board of Directors to have a discussion about many aspects of men's health and wellness. Why? 

As Bertram said, "I want to show that we can talk about health, we can check in on each other and we can get exams and screenings to ensure we stick around for ourselves and our loved ones."

Listen to their open and inspiring discussion. 


🏃🏻 Adaptive Fitness | Episode 7

In partnership with EmpowerU Specialty Fitness, Betram recently learned more about Adaptive Fitness in honor of Disability Pride month. Adaptive is a term that indicates a program has been modified to meet the needs of participants with disabilities. At YGBW we offer a catalog of Adaptive Programs for adults and children with disabilities.


📱 Teen Mentorship | Episode 8

To shine a spotlight on the power and potential of teens in our community, Bertram visited our Jennersville branch with Kevin Washington, form President and CEO of Y-USA, and Jazmyn Hudson, Sr. Association Director of Teen Programs to chat with teen campers.

Learn what some our leaders were like as teens - and how we are helping to elevate the achievements of teens in our community.


💦 Aqua Fitness | Episode 9

To celebrate Falls Prevention Month, Bertram participated in an Aqua Arthritis class at our Kennett Square branch. Follow along as his wellness journey continues - in the pool!



📊 Beyond the Scale | Episode 10

Go beyond the scale with Bertram as he tries the EVOLT 360 body composition scanner. EVOLT 360 provides 40+ metrics, including lean body mass, visceral fat and hydration - enabling health seekers to focus on a deeper level of health.