Real Talk - Men's Health | A Health Seeker's Journey

June is Men's Health Month, a time to raise awareness of potential health complications impacting men - and a time to promote healthy habits.
"Men have a reputation for not talking about health issues - and studies have shown that we are less likely to get annual health screenings," shares President & CEO, Bertram L. Lawson II. "Health is far too important to ignore."
"That's why I want to show that we can talk about health, we can check in on each other and we can get exams and screenings to ensure we stick around for ourselves and our loved ones."
As part of his ongoing Health Seeker's Journey, Bertram recently sat down with members of the YGBW Board of Directors to have a discussion about many aspects of health and wellness.
Their conversation is open, honest and inspirational. We hope you will listen in.