Stretches for Better Flexibility

Looking to increase your flexibility? Start with these five stretches.

Stretch #1 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Hold and repeat with the other leg. 

Drawing of a person demonstrating Standing Quadriceps

Stretch #2 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. 

Line drawing of a person demonstrating a Glute Stretch

Stretch #3 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. 

Line drawing of a person demonstrating a Shoulder and Chest

Stretch #4 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with the other arm. 

Line drawing of a person demonstrating a  Triceps Stretch


Category: Fitness