A Closer Look at Nutrition with HUSK

Earlier this year, we launched a partnership with HUSK Nutrition to enable our members to receive personalized nutritional counseling from registered dieticians. To learn more about the member experience, we caught up with Katie, a staff member who decided to sign up for HUSK.
Q: How would you describe HUSK to another member?
A: HUSK provides nutritional counseling - but I'd describe it as "food therapy". My HUSK dietician is an amazing listener. She has created nutritional goals just by listening to what I shared about my eating habits. She even picked up on habits that I wasn't aware I was doing.
Q: That sounds helpful. Are you willing to share what types of goals you are working towards?
A: Sure. I'm working on three goals at the moment. First is to incorporate more sources of protein to hit my daily protein intake. The second and third are more behavioral goals - put more intention and structure around meal prep for dinner and to prioritize my own eating preferences instead of just eating family leftovers. See why I describe HUSK as food therapy? I love that my dietician noticed my tendency to put my own needs behind others - and provided encouragement to establish my own healthy habits.
Q: Did it take long for your dietician to notice and then create your goals?
A: Not at all! I've only had two sessions so far - and I walked away from my first session with attainable goals that were very in line with what I needed.
Q: That's great. How was the scheduling process?
A: It was easy and I'm happy to share my experience. First, I'll tell you that one option for scheduling was to download the HUSK app. That is not my cup of tea, so I did not schedule through the app. Instead, I signed up on the HUSK website and was presented with a variety of options for dieticians. I was able to read about each dietician and choose one who met my dietary preference as I prefer plant-based protein over animal sources. I am not fully vegetarian though.
Q: I understand that HUSK is covered by most insurance plans. Did you have to verify your insurance before scheduling your appointment?
A: No. I was able to sign up for my appointment within minutes. Then, my HUSK dietician reached out via email to let me know that we would verify my insurance during our first appointment. I believe that you can also verify through the HUSK App, but again, that's not my style so it was very easy to do during my first appointment.
Q: Is there anything else that you want to share about HUSK?
A: I've really enjoyed working with my dietician. I wasn't sure what to expect - and I have little time to focus on myself as I am a working parent with some complex things going on at home. Working with HUSK has been easier than I expected and more informative than I expected. For example, I learned about basal metabolic rate. I hadn't heard that phrase before. Also, I can't understate how helpful it is that my dietician is empathetic and a good listener. I never feel judged and always feel supported. I've dieted A LOT in my life and see a difference in HUSK. It's all about education and not about restriction, which I greatly appreciate.
About HUSK at YGBW
YGBW members can meet with a HUSK Registered Dietitian for a customized one-on-one nutrition consultation covered by most insurance plans. Receive support in recipes, mindful eating, managing stress, developing healthful habits, disease management and more!