• Any unexpected indoor or outdoor pool closures will be posted on the YGBW website (simply visit the outdoor pool schedules where you’ll find links for each branch once the season begins), as well as available via alerts in the YGBW mobile app. Note that temporary closures due to thunder and/or lightning will not be available on the website or via alerts in the YGBW app, as the situation can change quickly. If the pools will be closed for an extended period of time due to weather, this will be posted in both the YGBW app and on our website.
  • When there is thunder and/or lightning, the pool, pool deck and outdoor grounds are immediately cleared and closed for at least 30 minutes from the last sight of lightning or sound of thunder. Members may wait in the building or their car but we will need to clear all areas, including any outdoor locker rooms or restrooms, until we can safely reopen. 
  • Should the outdoor pool become overcrowded during the season, a reservation system will be implemented. Members will be informed in advance if a reservation system is activated and how they can reserve their place.
  • The pirate ship and slides will be available.
  • Chairs will be available, but we encourage you to bring your own in case all are in use.
  • Outdoor bathhouses are available.
  • Snacks will be available for purchase later in the season.
  • Guest passes are $25 per guest per day for those over two years of age if space permits. All guests must be accompanied by a YGBW member and purchase a guest pass at the member services desk inside the branch. Guests are permitted to visit the outdoor pools three times during the summer. If visiting more than three times, they must purchase a YGBW membership and YGBW outdoor pool membership to continue accessing the outdoor pools.
  • Day passes (meaning guests who do not have a YGBW member host) are not available. 
  • Lots of activities and events are planned! Visit our events calendar for the latest information and/or pick up a schedule at your branch.

Fast Track Your Check-In

  • We ask for your patience during check-in, which might be slightly delayed depending on volume. For the quickest check-in, we recommend that you have:
  • Your barcode ready and/or download and log into the YGBW mobile app, where you can access your barcode to scan in.
  • Your children under 14 swim band tested before visiting the outdoor pools. (All children under 14 must be swim band tested and wear their band at all times in pool areas.) A lifeguard on duty or the aquatics director at your local branch can perform the swim band test upon request.

General Rules & Regulations

All must abide by the following. Failure to do so may result in being banned from the outdoor pools.

  • Lifeguard instructions must be followed at all times. Unsafe behavior is determined by the lifeguards AND is not permitted.
  • To provide the safest environment possible, those 14 and under must complete a swim evaluation and wear a swim band at all times in the pool area. A lifeguard on duty or the aquatics director can perform swim evaluations.
  • Always walk on the pool deck. Running is not permitted.
  • Diving is only permitted in marked and designated areas. Diving blocks are only to be used during YMCA programming.
  • Only U.S. Coast Guard-approved floatation devices may be used.
  • Games or exercises that include prolonged breath-holding are not permitted.
  • Waterguns and ball throwing are not permitted in the waterpark.
  • Glass is not allowed on the pool deck.
  • Alcohol, smoking, and/or vaping are not permitted at any time.
  • Appropriate language is to be used at all times. Vulgar or offensive language will not be tolerated.
  • Swimwear is to reflect the YMCA Core Values. We are a family-friendly environment.
  • Members and guests of all ages must change clothes in designated areas.
  • Sneakers must be worn on playgrounds and in Gaga ball pits, and parental supervision is required.
  • View our outdoor pool frequently asked questions. 

Children and Youth Rules & Regulations

  • Children who are not potty trained are required to wear swim diapers.
    All children and youth under 14 must be swim band tested and wear their band at all times in pool areas. A lifeguard on duty or the aquatics director at your local branch can perform swim evaluations.
    Non-swimmers MUST wear Coast Guard-approved lifejackets or stay within arms’ reach of their parent/guardian at all times.
    You must be at least 16 years of age to be at the outdoor pool without a parent or guardian.

Lap Swimming Rules & Regulations

  • Lap swimming will only be at designated times. The schedule will be available closer to the opening of the season. 
  • When lap swimming is available, swimmers ages 12 and over are permitted to use the lap lanes. Special age exceptions may be made at the discretion of the branch. Any swimmers 15 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian unless participating at a YGBW swim team practice with a coach.
  • Lane sharing is expected.
  • Circle swimming is required when there are more than two swimmers in a lane.