YMCA Gives the Gift of Health to the Community

Branch amenities are free to all from Dec. 26 – Dec. 31
WEST CHESTER, Pa. – December is often associated with holiday celebrations, time with loved ones and exchanging gifts. This December, the YMCA of Greater Brandywine (YGBW) has a special gift for the community – a gift that’s rooted in health, wellness and fostering connection.
YGBW welcomes the whole community to use branch amenities for free during the Gift of Health. Chester County residents and visitors who are 18 years or older can use YGBW branch facilities for free from December 26 to December 31. Children under the age of 18 are welcome to visit with a responsible adult.
“We want the greater community to experience our community here at the Y,” explains Kim Cavallero, Vice President of Membership for YGBW. “Being part of the Y is like being part of a big family.”
And, family is welcome during YGBW’s Gift of Health. “We want the Y to feel like an extension of your home – like your backyard. So, if you have relatives visiting over the holidays, we invite you to bring them to the Y with you. Spend quality time on our indoor tracks or in group exercise classes,” recommends Cavallero.
The seven branches of YGBW offer a unique atmosphere that combines healthy living with a vibrant social community. “Members love the convenience of our locations across Chester County, our welcoming and non-intimidating atmosphere, the variety of amenities and experiences that we offer - and the friendships that they’ve built or strengthened in our branches,” continues Cavallero.
No matter your interest, you’ll find something to love at the Y. Branch amenities range from indoor and outdoor pools, more than 40 indoor and outdoor pickleball courts, hundreds of group exercise classes, social groups and clubs for seniors and a variety of family-friendly events – all of which are included in membership. With branches in Coatesville, West Grove, Kennett Square, Exton, Berwyn and West Chester, there’s a branch nearby for all Chester County residents.