Your Y is Every Y with Nationwide Membership! 

YMCA of Greater Brandywine members now have access to Y's across the country. Y-USA introduced nationwide membership to participating Y's* in the U.S. Another great reason to belong to the YMCA!  

Bring your membership key tag/barcode and a photo ID and enjoy free facility access to most YMCA's. Restrictions apply.


  • Any outdoor facilities are NOT included in the nationwide membership program. 
    • This includes but is not limited to outdoor pool access and outdoor tennis/pickleball courts.
  • All YMCA members must use their home branch at least 51% of the time.

YGBW Members

  • All members of the YMCA of Greater Brandywine visiting other participating YMCAs must abide by the individual YMCA’s policies and procedures in regards to reciprocal access.

Non-YGBW Members

  • All non-Greater Brandywine members who wish to access our facilities must present their YMCA membership card/barcode, along with a photo ID and abide by our policies and procedures in regards to reciprocal access.
  • Non-Greater Brandywine members cannot bring guests for free to Greater Brandywine locations.
  • Non-Greater Brandywine members who wish to enroll in programs at our facilities qualify for non-member pricing.

For more information, contact our  Membership Engagement Center 610-643-9622 .

*Not all Ys currently participate in Nationwide Membership. Be sure to check with your home Y as well as the Y you are visiting to confirm participation status.