Upper Main Line YMCA Racquet Sports Complex
Servin' the Future!

Our Vision

To provide state-of-the-art facilities to serve the growth of both tennis and pickleball for all ages and abilities. This complex will provide the opportunity for families and individuals to grow in spirit, mind and body. To help support this vision, we have begun the initial phases of a $350,000 capital improvements project for our racquet sports community.

Purchase an Engraved Brick!

Our Goal: Raise $250,000

Should you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact  Missing employee position.Missing employee position.  or  Brian Raicich 610-647-9622, ext. 2002 .

The future of the Upper Main Line YMCA Racquet Sports Complex

Tennis: The construction of two new tennis courts is underway at the location of the former clay tennis courts. The new tennis courts will be completed in early August, weather dependent. These two new tennis courts will have existing lighting for evening play and will serve as our center courts for league and tournament play.

Pickleball: Construction began on the existing six pickleball courts (nearest to our main building entrance) to resolve the dead spots located beneath the playing surface. This project is expected to be completed in early August, weather-dependent. Pickleball Courts to the west of the shade patio area will be renovated as well in early August.

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