We're Expanding our YMCA Pickleball Schedule

You asked...we listened! We are expanding our offerings to provide more options and more time for you to learn and enjoy the exciting game that is sweeping America.
Our expanded offerings include:
Intro to Pickleball: The Intro to Pickleball class introduces members to the game of pickleball, covering terminology, basic rules of play, equipment and court etiquette. This is a free one-time class for all YGBW members. A fee does apply for non-members and guests. Prior to attending the Intro to Pickleball class we ask participants to watch these two short videos (pickleball rules and pickleball scoring).
Pickleball 101 Clinic - Pickleball clinics are a great way to take your skills to the next level! These clinics are designed for beginner players who would like to work on specific aspects of the game in order to improve their groundstrokes, overheads, volleys, serve and more. Each clinic will focus on a different skill.
Semi-Private Pickleball Lesson - A Semi-Private Pickleball Lesson is the ultimate learning environment. This one-hour timeframe is dedicated to a small group of players and what they need out of the lesson. No matter what your skill level or goals, a semi-private lesson at the Y will help you advance your game, hone in on your skill development, and enhance your overall enjoyment of the sport.
We can't wait to see you on the court!
Learn more about all things pickleball including pickleball schedules, pickleball open play and the YGBW pickleball league.