Local Nine-Year-Old’s Fund-Raising Efforts for the YMCA Matched by Key Financial, Inc.

Nine-year-old Owen Jones continues to inspire residents of Chester County, as was evidenced by the surprise he received from Patti Brennan, President and CEO of Key Financial, Inc. on August 7.
Owen attends the Kennett Area YMCA summer camp and discovered a fellow camper whose family had fallen on tough times and could not afford lunch. He asked his mom if they could help and then proceeded to bring the camper lunch every day. He explained, “I thought if we (he and his mother) help support them, then when we need help someone would support us.”
From this single act of kindness, Owen began inspiring many. He teamed up with the YMCA of Greater Brandywine (the Kennett Area YMCA is one of the eight branches of the YMCA of Greater Brandywine) and together, they invited others to join his generosity and pay it forward by donating just $10 in honor of his 10th birthday on September 3 (#10for10). “I think all kids should have the opportunity to go to summer camp,” Owen says, “because they can make new friends and experience new opportunities.”
The campaign was moving along, when Patti Brennan, President and CEO of Key Financial, Inc. of West Chester got wind of what Owen was doing. She surprised Owen at camp last week with a check for $2,160, matching the amount he had raised to that point. “Thank you Owen, for setting such a fine example,” said Ms. Brennan. “You are helping a lot of people and inspiring others, including myself.”
“There are a lot of people in our community that need help,” Ms. Brennan continued. “Thank you for setting such a good example. Now more kids are able to go to camp and enjoy swimming and playing with new friends–all that cool stuff–and that is what it is all about. Think about the impact that camp can have on a child’s life, developmentally, consistently and what that could lead to! You are changing others for the better!”
Owen’s campaign continues to grow and he has raised more than $6,000 to ensure more kids in Chester County have access to YMCA programs, such as summer camp.
“My heart is so happy to see how much joy he has,” says Owen’s mother, Jess Jones, with a tear in her eye, “and how much joy he brings other people!”
“This young man has a huge heart and the sincerity of a singular act has gone viral in the best possible way!” chimed in Ms. Brennan. “Wouldn’t it be great if everyone saw opportunities to help those in need, the way Owen does? What a great community and country we live in, where our youth with small voices can inspire those of us with louder voices to help those in need! Everyone at Key Financial is so happy to help in any way we can to follow the example of this exceptional young boy!”
To join in his cause, go to Facebook or the YMCA of Greater Brandywine’s website at www.ymcagbw.org/10for10.